ADHICS Compliance Consulting Services in MBG
May 05, 2023

Combining Cyber Security and Regulatory Compliance Requirements in One Go
ADHICS Compliance Services from MBG will help you adhere to both so that you can be reassured and focus on your core business operations.
ADHICS: What is it?
The Department of Health, which is the only body in charge of regulating healthcare services in Abu Dhabi, established the Abu Dhabi Healthcare Information and Cyber Security Standard, or ADHICS. ADHICS is a comprehensive manual for controlling healthcare data in Abu Dhabi and is intended to complement the mission and governmental directives of the DOH. In order to increase public confidence and provide improved information security, it supports government efforts relating to health information exchange. This regulation aims to take information security and data privacy in the Abu Dhabi health sector to international standards.
The main objectives of the ADHICS Standard are to protect the quality, accuracy, and integrity of sensitive patient information in Abu Dhabi and to ensure its availability and ease of access at all times. Every healthcare provider and facility is required to abide by the standards and integrate with the "Malaffi" system. Healthcare providers will be better able to respond to system outages, natural disasters, and denial-of-service assaults with the aid of ADHICS.
The certified ADHICS professionals at MBG will help you update your operations to maintain compliance and integrate your information systems with ADHICS principles. From gap analysis to final inspections, we offer end-to-end services. We also assist with post-implementation recommendations.
What are the ADHICS requirements?
According to ADHICS, unless the patient data is kept inside the UAE, healthcare services cannot use cloud infrastructure for storing, exchanging, or processing patient information. The storage or use of health information by healthcare entities must be separated from any system integration that uses or connects to cloud services with remote servers outside the United Arab Emirates. Healthcare entities may only share patient data with partners and other third parties with express DoH authorization. Standards have been established by the cyber security and healthcare information needs.
- Asset management guidelines, which cover asset labeling, classification, handling, and disposal
- Access Control - Rules governing how users, networks, equipment, operating systems, apps, and information can be accessed
- HR Security - Employment, Termination, and Recruitment Policies
- Environmental and Physical Security
- Security, Health Information, and Communications
- Policies governing operational practices, malware protection, planning and acceptance, backup and archiving, monitoring and logging, and security assessment and vulnerability management
- Third-Party Security - Guidelines for Third-Party Security Delivery and Monitoring
- Purchasing, Creating, and Maintaining Health Information Systems - Supply Chain Management, Software Outsourcing, Cryptographic Controls, etc.
- Information Security Incident Management - procedures to reduce, handle, and report on events
- Planning continuity with information security continuity management
ADHICS Consultancy Services We Provide
ADHICS end-to-end services that assist you in maintaining compliance and safeguarding your data.
Information Acquisition
The MBG team first determines the organization's context, the important business services, and the information infrastructure, and then launches the project.
ADHICS GAP Evaluation
To determine the present state of your information security procedures in comparison to the ADHICS standard, our ADHICS experts conduct a Gap Assessment.
Cyber Risk Evaluation
Using the ADHICS standard as a general guideline, our team pinpoints vulnerabilities to the security and privacy of healthcare data.
Plan for Treating Risk
To fill in the gaps and reduce the risks to acceptable levels, we create a risk management or treatment plan.
ADHICS Policies & Procedures
The ADHICS experts at MBG draft policies to help you achieve and maintain privacy and security so that you are compliant with ADHICS.
Technology Implementation
We provide guidance on rectifying gaps in technology and implementing technical controls.
Cyber Security Testing
Perform continuous security assessments and penetration testing helping you maintain compliance with the ADHICS Standard.
Security Awareness
Training of employees on ADHICS requirements, ensuring that they are aware so that there is no weak link from your human resources.
ADHICS Implementation Reviews
We carry out ADHICS implementation reviews at specific intervals to assess the level of compliance and rectify any deficits.
ADHICS Internal Audits
Executing internal audits help in determining if there are any deviations from the policies and procedures regarding data security and privacy as defined by ADHICS, and to rectify those deviations.
The Need for ADHICS
Security incidents on the curb
You can set controls for information security and fend off security risks by maintaining compliance with ADHICS. Threats will be able to be eliminated as they appear. If an attack occurs, recovery must happen quickly to prevent a disruption in the operations or services of your organization.
Avoid Service Delays
Time is of the essence for healthcare services. Any delay in services could cause health problems or possibly patient deaths. Delays in the delivery of healthcare services can be quite severe due to inadequate and inconsistent information security procedures. Your reputation could suffer as a result, and you might lose clients.
Uphold Compliance
ADHICS compliance is a requirement for all healthcare providers, whether they are based in Abu Dhabi or elsewhere but have access to Abu Dhabi residents' medical information. This applies to both new organizations and those that already exist and must renew their licenses. Healthcare providers—individuals and facilities—can be integrated with the Malaffi and Health Information Exchange platforms by adhering to ADHICS.
Challenges in Complying with ADHICS
The most frequent problems and difficulties encountered when working with ADHICS Complaints
One of the main obstacles to implementing ADHICS is an excessive reliance on antiquated, outdated systems and procedures. Implementing best practices for security can be quite challenging because these systems are susceptible to a variety of security risks and threats.
The ownership of security by disparate executive members is another tough factor; this situation exists in many organizations for the purpose of decentralizing control.
Configuring security measures may be difficult if the process of integrating the IT and OT environments is poorly defined and unstructured. When there are many specialized healthcare facilities in large organizations, setting up a centralized security control framework is a difficult task in and of itself.
Government inspections take place within a small time window, therefore time constraints are frequently a significant obstacle.
What Makes MBG's ADHICS Compliance Service the Best?
- UAE-based certified ADHICS specialists
- Exceptional service is provided in a short amount of time.
- Ensuring ADHICS compliance through careful and committed evaluation and policy development
- Regular evaluations and ongoing monitoring to make sure compliance
- To prevent data breaches and leaks, give vital assets and apps watertight security.
- quick detection and repair of security flaws
For any assistance, you may reach out to us by calling us at +971 52 6406240 or by emailing us at
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