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Rethinking Business. Reshaping Tomorrow. | A Webinar by MBG in association with HSBC

[ninja_form id=20] It's crucial to understand how your business can be resilient, optimize cost, bring efficiency in day-to-day operations. MBG in association with HSBC India hosted an interactive dialogue between industry experts on enabling businesses to stay stronger. We invite you to join our webinar - "Rethinking Business. Reshaping Tomorrow."...

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COVID-19からの回復:政策イニシアティブと投資機会 本ウェビナーでは、バルマ駐日インド大使、JETROの村橋氏をゲストスピーカーとしてお招きし、インドの投資環境や経済の見通しなど、経済再生をテーマとした情報を提供いたします。 プログラム:  歓迎挨拶 - H.E. Ambassador Sh. Sanjay Kumar Verma, Embassy of India, Tokyo インド政府による直近の政策イニシアティブと規制改革 – 山根亜紀子 (Executive Director, International Enterprise Team, MBG Corporate Services) 日本企業による投資機会~ポストコロナを踏まえて~ - 村橋靖之 (Chief Director General, JETRO India) インドにおけるビジネスチャンス - 矢野萌 (Manager, International Enterprise Team, MBG Corporate Services, Singapore)

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MBG】インドビジネスウェビナー COVID-19からの回復と輸出インセンティブ & ビジネス・レジリエンス

[ninja_form id=19] MBGコーポレートサービスでは、下記のとおりウェビナーを開催する運びとなりましたので、ここにご案内申し上げます。 「100年に1度のパンデミック」と呼ばれるCOVID-19により、様々なビジネスが影響を受けています。また、事業の継続が求められる中、組織再編を含む業務の集中と選択、不採算事業の見直し、事業を取り巻く環境の整備など、多くの課題も残されています。 そのような中で、インド事業の体制とガバナンスを強化し、政府の推進する輸出インセンティブを活用することで、ビジネスにおけるレジリエンスを高めることも選択肢の一つとして挙げられます。 本ウェビナーでは、COVID-19後のインド、輸出インセンティブとビジネス・レジリエンス、事業継続のポイントにフォーカスし、解説いたします。 参加をご希望される方は、下記登録サイトよりお申し込みください。皆さまのご参加を心よりお待ち申し上げております。 記   日時 : 2020年6月17日(水) インド時間11:30~12:30(日本時間 15:00~16:00) 場所 : ウェビナー トピック : ①コロナからの回復と輸出インセンティブ(MBG- 山根亜紀子) ②Achieving Business Resilience- Post COVID-19(MBG- Abhijeet Sharma) ③事業継続における主要ポイント(MBG- 矢野萌) 参加費 : 無料 申込方法 : 下記にアクセスの上、ご登録をお願いします。   なお、応募いただいた方の個人情報は、ご参加の可否ご連絡のために利用させていただきます。 使用言語 : 日本語及び英語  

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Planning Business Resurgence Post COVID -19 Webinar (Part 2)

For businesses, it has become crucial to understand how they will start operating post-pandemic and survive from it. The webinar 'Planning Business Resurgence Post COVID -19 (Part 2)' by MBG corporate services will help you recognize effective business strategies and models to measures the challenges and how to overcome them. Agenda (1)...

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Planning Business Resurgence Post COVID -19 Webinar (Part 1)

 It is really crucial to understand how your business can manage the impact of the pandemic and resurge from it in the post-COVID time. You need to be prepared and understand the measures which your organization might need to take NOW! Our experts will discuss the models and measures...

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Taxation Perspective for Global Trade

 COVID-19 has an extensive impact on businesses around the globe. The world is still struggling to deal with this pandemic. Companies need to rethink all sides of their operations to plan and to take significant action to curtail their losses, as well as to take advantage of the strategic...

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Webinar on Manage the Impacts on Supply Chains during COVID-19

 As businesses around the world focus on health and safety and move to remote work, we want to do our part to support our customers' in their supply chain needs and ensure that they can focus on their core business. Now is the time for companies to prepare well...

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Webinar: COVID 19 Impact on Business - Indian Perspective

 In today’s challenging situation it is crucial to identify, assess, and prepare for potential business risks. Our webinar "Impact on Business - Indian Perspective" will address the different aspects of the economy, business continuity plans, and new challenges to make sure organizations truly understand the complex impact that COVID-19 has...

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Risk Management and Forensic Measures to combat fraud

Seminar of ‘Risk Management and Forensic Measures to combat fraud’ will be an eye-opener for your business to safeguard it from the risks generated in today’s highly competitive business surroundings and forensic measures to combat fraud. Meet MBG’s experts of risk advisory services and forensic management and hear them speaking...

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ICAI UAE Dubai workshop on ‘Forensic, System Audit & Data Analytics’

"There is an unavoidable necessity for implementing a robust Internal control environment and the need for fraud risk assessment for every organization." A great training session on Forensics & Fraud assessment services given by Mr. Abhijeet Sharma, Director (Risk Advisory) laying emphasis on how we can help to simplify it...

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