RPA Case Studies

Inventory Relocation Process

June 27, 2022

Inventory relocation is the process in which whenever there is the requirement for relocation of stock orders happening from one warehouse to another then the stock executive raises a ticket in the helpdesk portal with details such as Receipt ID, item code, from Store code and Quantity. The warehouse head then picks up individual tickets at regular intervals within a day to process the open/Hold requests based on the relocation template.

Inventory relocation begins with the processing of open/hold tickets once received within the helpdesk portal. Any ticket placed without the relocation details will be moved to hold queue and monitored at regular intervals for processing once the details are updated. The executive then picks each order, checks receipt ID, checks items to create T/O header, Creates T/O Line and then investigates any discrepancies found and takes necessary corrective action.

Inventory Relocation Process Video
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