Report on Funds Automation in hourly intervals
May 02, 2023
The Problem
- Accounts team needs the Report on Funds as per current hour daily to work on payments process. User has to download the statements for accounts, extract the expected payments and deposits to prepare a consolidated report.
- User unable to get the report every hour.
The Solution
- The process was automated end-to-end leveraging the RPA tool.
- Bot is scheduled to download the statements for particular period without manual intervention.
- Bot is extracting the otp which is triggered to mobile number and login to bank
- Bot downloads the statements and places in shared drive which is accessible to accounts team.
- Bot to extract the payments and deposits for the hour.
- Consolidate and prepare the report.
The Benefits
- Redeployment of staff to more value-added tasks
- Saves 1 person time of 5 hours daily
- Degree of robotization: 100% of effort automated
- Higher standardization of process
- Quality improvement to 100% accuracy and no manual errors.
- Automated the otp also without manual intervention.