تجنب غرامة 10,000 درهم عن طريق التسجيل في ضريبة الشركات اليوم!

Process Review & Automation

هل قمت بالتسجيل في ضريبة الشركات حتى الآن؟ تجنب غرامة 10,000 درهم عن طريق التسجيل في ضريبة الشركات اليوم!

Empowering businesses with next-gen tools

Businesses are increasingly seeking ways to optimise their business functions and administrative procedures against events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. A move towards increased automation can be the solution to dealing with such situations. Automation can not only deliver better performance but also provide businesses with the robustness required to survive the pandemic.

A well-planned re-engineering of your processes through automation will also allow you to reduce cost, cycle time and facilitate increased profit margins. MBG Corporate Services can guide you in every step towards automation.

Our team of experts have an in-depth understanding of all major business sectors. This, combined with a detailed understanding of what is at stake, helps us provide businesses with all the support required to re-engineer their processes during the current crisis. After a thorough analysis of your company’s business objectives and strategies, we develop training modules that are aligned with your goals and leading practices in the market. Explore new opportunities with the power of automation.

Our proposed programme to help your business:


SOP design and development process

تتضمن خدمات الاستشارات بخصوص المخاطر لدينا:

Crisis Management Planning

Working Capital Management

Supply Chain Management

Business Continuity Planning

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